Monday, October 6, 2008

Selecton Reflection (Oct.6)

~Reflecting from the past what we have learned... or wish we have learned. ~

Starting from the beginning, we had review on linear systems, which I personally had forgotten all about, so it was a big review for me. We learnt how to solve equations using the substitution method, which i felt was a little more tricky than how it sounded..

After learning that with a few practices, we were taught how to solve using the algebraically method, which I had found made more sense and I could follow it easier. Definitely study both substitution and algebraically methods.

We went over a few tips and tricks, which helped out, and would be something good to read over before the exam. A good thing to remember through out the course would be the system types and names... I have a feeling that knowing those would help out with future graphing and etc.

I feel that i will definately have to go over material again, especially the substitution method ( I still have trouble grasping that ) I hope things will get a little easier for the exam if I can take the time to try and figure out the sections that give me trouble.
The word problems section was hard. every question seemed different, or else just didn't seem to give me enough information. I'm pretty sure I flunked the quiz on it. But I guess ill just have to try and understand them a little more better so I'd be more confident in completing the problems right.

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