Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Selection Reflection

So we started off with learning what a system is. A system is two or more equations(or inequalities) being considered simultaneously.
ex. y=2x+5
those two equations is a system.

We started on the Substitution Method. This method is where we have to substitute numbers in equations. I found this to be pretty easy and i enjoyed learning about it. I love solving equations and i found it to be interesting.

We then learned a different Method. The Addition/Subtraction Method. This is where you line up the variables and either subtract or add. I found this method to be very easy as well. I got it right away and i was happy that i didn't have any frustrating times with it.

Mr. Max explained both of these methods very well, and his notes helped me a lot. I also liked how we can chose what kind of method we liked best and not have to only learn one.

Mr. Max also taught us about System Types/Names.
Consistent System: One, unique ordered pair solution
Inconsistent System: No solutions
Dependent System: Infinitely many solutions in ordered pairs

After learning this we moved on to something that i don't even want to mention. I hated this part so much. I did not find this easy as i did with the methods that we learned first. This was called Word Problems. I did not get anything about this. I tried to get it when Mr. Max was teaching us, but it just didn't seem to go through my brain. He told us to look on the course work drive for some sample word problems that he did in the past. After i looked through those (quite a few times), i seemed to understand it a little bit more than i did before.
Here are the rules:
Define two variables(linked somehow)
Create two equations using the two variables

We also used graphmatica to figure out some problems and to check our answers.
We can either use our calculators or graphmatica to check our answers when we are finished a problem to make sure we got the right answer.

So for the exam, i will have to get a good understanding of Word Problems. I think if i look more on the course work drive and practice questions more i will be able to eventually get it! :).

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