Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Selection Reflection

This is a review for exam time to myself and anyone else studying for the exam. Our first unit was on solving linear equations I am pretty confident with this unit so here you go.
First off you need to know that a system is 2 or more equations being considered at the same time:
y=-3x-1 <------ this is a system

You should also know the different types of systems and be able to tell the difference between them: consistent is when the equations cross, inconsistent is when the equations are parallel and dependant is when the the equations are directly on tip of each other.

The next thing you should know is how to solve these equations using both the algebraical methods, which are the substitution and the addition/subtraction methods and how to solve them non-algebraical methods which involve using either graphmatica or a graphing calculator.

The final thing we learned how to do is word problems which aren't all that hard if you don't have trouble turning the words into an equations.

I hope this helps me and all of you reading this on the exam.

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