Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October 29th/2008

Today, we had started the class of with Mental Math #27. Then we had moved on to Exercise #3 in the booklets that we received last week I think. The notes for the class are as followed, and following them there is a video, and sound of the class.



Monday, October 27, 2008

Scriber Post

Today started with mental math like normal, then Mr.Max told us that Exercise #2 questions 2&3 are an exit slip. He split the class into the two halves, left and right, and told us to work as individual groups then present the answer to see if we get it right and see the differences between the two groups.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Oct. 24/08, Friday

Today the class was started off with some mental math. After and kind of during correcting we started talking about visualization. Mr. Maks. told us about a professor he had that wanted him to visualize a football spinning on it's axis and then visualize an ant starting from the top and have it walk to the equator of the ball in a counter clockwise direction. Mr. Maks. said that few people could do that in his class. After that he told/showed us about the golden ratio 1.61803399. I must admit it was kind of interesting, but i missed some of what he was saying cause i was trying to write this post and listen at the same time, and i know realize that i can not multitask. Finally after all of this excitement we started working on our A/M. For anybody who forgot 26 objectives are due for the end of today. GOOD LUCK!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Resemble anyone you know???? Nah....

Maximization of Open-Topped Box Volume

Here is the video about what was taught today by Mr. Maksymchuk about maximizing volume. If you ever forget how to turn on a stat plot just go to the 15 minute mark.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday October 21, 2008

Today in class we started with mental math. After that we worked on our Accelerated Math. Mr. Maksymchuk reminds everyone to bring graph paper, and also encouraged everyone to bring headphones to listen to the videos on the blog or listen to music while you work. Mr. Maks also mentioned a formula to use on graphmatica, y=sqrt

Monday, October 20, 2008

new post

Today, we started with mental math. after this we had ahome work check, that was a sheet that he was goibng over a agian becuse the results from the previous check was not so great. After this we got our lesson....

Oct 20

Today in class, We started with mental math, And did a homework check on Exercise 1. Barry was elected to fix the computer in the classroom when Mr.Maks is not here if it does not work to scan our accelerated math. We went over a few questions in Accelerated math, with Mr. Maks recording again with the headset.

Accelerated Math Objectives due till the end of this week... (till Friday.24) 26 Objectives

the video:

Friday 12 2008

On Friday Mr. Max was gone so we had a sub.. Mr. Buckner. It was a short block so we had the class to work on Exercise one and Accelerated math.
Don't forget that monday Exercise one is due,so get that done.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Test Video

October 15 2008

Today we started off with mental math and then we handed it in for marks.

Then Mr. Max cheeked our home work, not so good. we have till Monday to finish when he will cheek it a gen. Then we did question 13 on exercise 1, Mr.Max tried to record it he is going to put it on edline.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 14 Scribe

These are the notes we did today. We did #9 on Exercise 1. Exercise 1 is due tomorrow.

This shows doing this problem the Pre- Calc way.

He showed us how to do the problem on excel.

These are the equations he put in excel to get the answer we were looking for.

This is one way where you can find out what the equation is.

This is the equation we got and we put it into our calculator.

Friday, October 10, 2008

October 10th/2008

Today, we started off the class with Mental Math. Then Mr. Max let us work on the booklet that we had recieved yesterday. Just exercise 1. Then during the class he was checking our joke sheets, so if we needed the marks then we could get marks for dooing it all. Since it is friday we we able to leave the class room early. Today also was an open scribe day. So that anyone could scribe.


October 10th

Today, we started off with mental math. We then got the class time to work on our accelerated math, exerice #1 sheet, and joke sheets. Mr. Max said that if we were done all of the Joke Sheets he would give us marks for it. The exercise #1 will be due on Wednesday.

new post

Today, we started with metal math then after mr.max had to go help another teacher with a math problem across the hall for about ten minutes or so. Then he gave us the class to either do our joke sheets or accelerated math.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Non - Linear Functions

Today we started with mental math as usual. Then went on to some notes on Non - Linear Functions, Quadratic Functions in particular.

The lines below are known as the parabola and the red dot is indicating the vertex which is where the parabola changes direction.

How to pronounce PARABOLA.

Assigned is exercise 1 in the booklet we received today ASAP (whenever we get a chance to do it)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Selection Reflection

This is a review for exam time to myself and anyone else studying for the exam. Our first unit was on solving linear equations I am pretty confident with this unit so here you go.
First off you need to know that a system is 2 or more equations being considered at the same time:
y=-3x-1 <------ this is a system

You should also know the different types of systems and be able to tell the difference between them: consistent is when the equations cross, inconsistent is when the equations are parallel and dependant is when the the equations are directly on tip of each other.

The next thing you should know is how to solve these equations using both the algebraical methods, which are the substitution and the addition/subtraction methods and how to solve them non-algebraical methods which involve using either graphmatica or a graphing calculator.

The final thing we learned how to do is word problems which aren't all that hard if you don't have trouble turning the words into an equations.

I hope this helps me and all of you reading this on the exam.

Selection Reflection

So.. this is a personal blog post to myself. To look back and reflect on linear systems of equations while studying for the exam!!!
First thing we learnt was THE SUBSTITUTION METHOD.
It wasn't to bad just need to go through the steps into finding out the equation. Remember to plug the answer back into the equation to find out if its right.
Just need to remember to line them up and when to add and when to subtract.
Third thing we learnt was SYSTEM TYPES NAMES.
Consistent system( one unique ordered pair solution).
Inconsistent system(no solution).
Dependant system(infinitely many solutions, in ordered pair).
Forth thing we learnt and the final thing we learnt was WORD PROBLEMS. AHHHH! OK i did not get this! I think my problem was that I just didn't know the steps to each problems. Once i get and understand the steps i can work through it. There are example problems on the coursework drive they did help. RULES:
  1. Define two variables( linked some how).
  2. Create two equations using two Variables.

So.. that was all the different things we learnt in this unit. I understand it for the most part beside WORD PROBLEMS. Before the exam I really need to get a good understanding on how word problems really work and each steps. ReMeMbEr when using the calculator or graphmatic to check the answers to always explain the steeps you did while using the programs.

Selection Reflection

To help me study for the Grade 11 Applied math exam.
The first thing that we worked on was "Systems Of Linear Equations," we did alot of graphing for that with that Graphmatica program and using our Graphing calculators.
The next thing we learned was about was how to solve Linear Equations algebraically by a method called the "Substitution Method" which was pretty easy once you get to know how to do it correctly. Then Mr. Maksymchuk showed us another method called, "Addition/Subtraction" method which was alot quicker to solve problems with.
We learned about the names of the different systems, "Inconsistent," "Consistent," and "Dependant." Later on we started Accelerated Math, I found this alot easier to use because it was multiple choice xD. We learned about solving "Word Problems" and various ways to solve them, I wasn't so good at these "Word Problems" so I should look back on them, I don't know how to use that excel program for them either... All of the work we do on the computers and using graphing calculators is new to me because I never took a grade 10 Applied math course, I took grade 10 precalculus twice :P. I hope to do well in this class and pass it. I hope this post will help me in the future, when I look back on this. Yeah!!!

Selection Reflection

So we started off with learning what a system is. A system is two or more equations(or inequalities) being considered simultaneously.
ex. y=2x+5
those two equations is a system.

We started on the Substitution Method. This method is where we have to substitute numbers in equations. I found this to be pretty easy and i enjoyed learning about it. I love solving equations and i found it to be interesting.

We then learned a different Method. The Addition/Subtraction Method. This is where you line up the variables and either subtract or add. I found this method to be very easy as well. I got it right away and i was happy that i didn't have any frustrating times with it.

Mr. Max explained both of these methods very well, and his notes helped me a lot. I also liked how we can chose what kind of method we liked best and not have to only learn one.

Mr. Max also taught us about System Types/Names.
Consistent System: One, unique ordered pair solution
Inconsistent System: No solutions
Dependent System: Infinitely many solutions in ordered pairs

After learning this we moved on to something that i don't even want to mention. I hated this part so much. I did not find this easy as i did with the methods that we learned first. This was called Word Problems. I did not get anything about this. I tried to get it when Mr. Max was teaching us, but it just didn't seem to go through my brain. He told us to look on the course work drive for some sample word problems that he did in the past. After i looked through those (quite a few times), i seemed to understand it a little bit more than i did before.
Here are the rules:
Define two variables(linked somehow)
Create two equations using the two variables

We also used graphmatica to figure out some problems and to check our answers.
We can either use our calculators or graphmatica to check our answers when we are finished a problem to make sure we got the right answer.

So for the exam, i will have to get a good understanding of Word Problems. I think if i look more on the course work drive and practice questions more i will be able to eventually get it! :).

Selection Reflection

Well, we had stated this year off with Linear Equations, then we learned how to solve systems. We had a lot of math to do without using ANY kind of electronic devices, and to me this way without is a lot better. Cause then when we are asked to show our work on a test or on a exam then we can show the work.
Then we had moved on to the Substitution Method. There was two of them, the first one is Addition Substitution Method (ASM), and the second is Subtraction Substitution Method (SSM). I use these letters in the brackets so that I can remember them easier, and it really does help.
Then we moved on to the Word Problems.

So by posting this I shall look back in a little while and re-teach myself what I have already learned so when it comes to a test day or exam time I can go back to the questions from the begining of the semester.

October 7th/2008

selection reflection

This post is to remind me of what I learned in this unit, linear systems of equations. I hope that this post will come in handy when tests and the exam comes around.

So linear systems of equations, what have we learned? Well we have learned how to solve linear systems using algebra. Once we got that down we learned how to solve using the adding subtracting method. After that we could use our calculators and Graphmatica. Then we learnt about the different systems, dependent, inconsistent and, consistent.

After all of that we started on word problems. We learnt how to use Excel to help us find the answer the word problems, I cant fugue out how to get Excel to work. That's all that we have learnt about so far, I hope this helps.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Today we started off the class with mental math. Then Mr. Max started talking about Selection Reflection. Mr. Max said that this was like a pot luck supper. The more people that come then the more food you have then the more variety.

Selecton Reflection (Oct.6)

~Reflecting from the past what we have learned... or wish we have learned. ~

Starting from the beginning, we had review on linear systems, which I personally had forgotten all about, so it was a big review for me. We learnt how to solve equations using the substitution method, which i felt was a little more tricky than how it sounded..

After learning that with a few practices, we were taught how to solve using the algebraically method, which I had found made more sense and I could follow it easier. Definitely study both substitution and algebraically methods.

We went over a few tips and tricks, which helped out, and would be something good to read over before the exam. A good thing to remember through out the course would be the system types and names... I have a feeling that knowing those would help out with future graphing and etc.

I feel that i will definately have to go over material again, especially the substitution method ( I still have trouble grasping that ) I hope things will get a little easier for the exam if I can take the time to try and figure out the sections that give me trouble.
The word problems section was hard. every question seemed different, or else just didn't seem to give me enough information. I'm pretty sure I flunked the quiz on it. But I guess ill just have to try and understand them a little more better so I'd be more confident in completing the problems right.

Selection Reflection

This year we started by doing linear equations.

Then we learned how to solve systems of linear equations. We then learned how to identify the different types of linear equations (Inconsistent, Dependent, Independent,Etc.), then we started on the substitution method.

Then we moved on to the addition/subtraction method.

By then we have a deadline on mental math for 15 mastered objectives.
And the last thing we did was word problems and I think they were the hardest thing to do.

I decided to post all of the pictures from each unit so that if the network isn't working, you can still look at some of them somewhere.

selection reflection

This is a reminder of the first unit to remind myself, and possibly help me study for the exam. Maybe it'll help you to.
Our first unit was about solving systems of linear equations. We moved into learning about how we can solve them and different ways to find answers. Going over the substitution method, and then the addition subtraction method, I think i had a decent handle on both of them. Being a former precalc kid, it came kindof easily... it was the calculator, and the computer that i had to get used to.(As wierd as that sounds.)
Learning about the different types of systems (consistant, inconsistant, and dependent) was ok, after some repetition it was easy to remember. Accelerated math is helping me stay on track, last year I was way behind in almost everything, hense the fact i almost failed...
I have a handle on this unit, and i did pretty well on the test. The word problem quiz scared me because I wasn't very confident in what i was doing, at all.. but after the quiz was finished I feel better about those kinds of questions. (it wouldn't hurt to keep those notes close by for the exam though.)
So far, i feel pretty good, and i think ill be ok when it comes to the exam. At least if i need help studying, ill always have the blog to look back on.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Scriber Post

Today Mr. Max wasn't going to be here for the class, so he just came and told us to do Accelerated Math for the whole class and to dismiss ourselves at 12:00.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

If train A leaves station A at 80 mph and train B leaves station B at 95 mph and the people on train B are eating lasagna but they run out of garlic bread what color are the conductor's shoes?

Oct. 1/08 system word problems

Today we got our test back from Mr. Maks. Personally I think I did not to bad, but I could have done better. Mr. Maks. said that our class average was 59% which he said was a descent class average. After we all got our tests back, we moved on to some word problems.

This word problem was not to bad, but I think I got the same answer that Mr. Maks. did a different way. I would share that way with you guys but I forgot my binder at home and it had all my work in it. If anyone would like to see how I answered this question feel free to ask me tomorrow, and hopefuly I remember how I did it.
This question I thought to be a little more confusing but as Mr. Maks went along I started to pick up on it on my own. I'll still probably need some help on it when I get to this question or one like it.
For the rest of the class it was just a work period to catch up on accelerated math.

Well on monday there were only four of us not interested in post-secondary day so first Mr Maksymchuk showed us where he saved everything and then it was just a work period from there on.

On Tuesday we did some word problems from the accelerated math and had a very compelling discussion on cell phone and Ipod use in different schools.