Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday September 9th, 2008

We did not do Mental Math today because Mr. Maksymchuk wanted to talk about the blog and the posts for the "Book Reports" on the T.V.M solver and give us more time for the Book Report posts. Mr. Maks talked about referencing the sources on the T.V.M solver and about plagiarism. Don't just copy and paste things into your blog, especially words you do not understand. Type it in your own words please.
In 1991, Mr. Maks talked about a student who cheated, the student had found a journal and wrote out a paper for an assignment and did not reference the sources, he was kicked out of University and banned from going to other universities for a while. Plagiarism in high school wouldn't result in such a punishment of getting kicked out and banned from schools, it just goes to show that you shouldn't copy anyone elses work without referencing it first. An assignment in high school that is plagiarized will result in a 0 mark on that assignment. The Internet is a great source for information and is greatly used today. Please do not plagiarize!

With great power comes great responsibility. - Uncle Ben Parker, from the 1st Spiderman Movie!

We have until the end of today to work on the "Book Reports" and post them to the blog.
Budget things can still be checked by Mr. Maks, etc.
Mr. Maksymchuk put on some Christmas songs on for us to enjoy. I found the music annoying, sounds like some old Fuedal era music... Well not anymore, thats good.
8 More classes left until Christmas break.
16 Days until Christmas from today! Yeah!!!!

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