Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sep, 9

This was our first official lesson of the year. Most of it was review for everyone who has taken grade 10 applied already, but i haven't so it was all new except for a couple things I saw were the same as in my last years class. I thought that the lesson was helpful and it gave me a bit of an idea of what the year is going to be like.
The recall stuff I recognised so that was good, but once we got to the uglier stuff I had no idea what to do, so it was a good thing that we did it as a class.
Yes this was the ugly stuff I was talking about. I did not like this and iI hope we don't have to do any or very many of these types of questions.

Systems were easy to understand. Unless I just misunderstood every thing Mr. Maks said, but I hope that i didn't. So ya I guess thats all I thought about this lesson.

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