Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday, Sept.26/08

Today, since Mr.Maksymchuk isn't here, we worked on Accelerated Math for the whole block. There is a quiz on those joke sheet things soon, so yeah. I hope I did good on that test.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sept 25, Thursday

Today, we wrote our test, and I hope everybody did alright, (and hopefully all your pictures came out great)
Make sure you have 15 mastered objectives done by 3:40 friday, october 3rd.

Heres an example of the substitution method.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sept.24/ 2008

TEST IS TOMORROW!! Today we went through the test review and what would be on the test. Mr. Maksymchuk explained all what would be expected and the rules about tests in room 204.
The network was down so we couldn't transfer the note that Mr.Maksymchuk wrote for us.Thankfully i wrote them down!

Systems Test
Can i solve algebraically
-Addition/ Subtraction
Solve with technology
Solve equations
That what was all written down. Good luck to all , and don't forget to study study!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sept. 23/08

Today, In math class we did mental math like we allways do every single day at the begining of every single class. Lucky me, I missed this one because i came in late from getting my hair done, but Mr.Maks made sure everyone knew why I was late... I think he was trying to make a point for something... anyways after all that we finished up what we started yesterday on excel, and continued on our eccelerated math.
***Remember*** test on Thursday
*and* quiz next week on Joke Sheets

september 22 2008

Today we started out with mental math, on question 5 we had to do some thinking but we got some good answers. We started on joke sheets and learning about spread sheets, they are not all that complex. we can also use our graphing calculators or we can solve it algebraically. Lets hope that we get some tips on how to do this in a faster meted. See you all tomorrow.

Friday, September 19, 2008

September 19th Blog Post

Today, we started off the class with Mental Math. Mr. Max told us to hand it in today for him to mark. He gave us a choice to either include our practice mental math in with the rest of it or leave it out.
He told us that today would be a work period to work on Accelerated Math.

Since we didn't do any notes today, i thought i would add an example of the Substitution Method.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Scriber Post

Today Mr. Max gave us a bunch of tips and tricks to make accelerated math easier, so here they are:

After he gave us these tips, we worked on mental math.

Sept 18/08

Today in class... Mr.Maks was showing us tips and tricks with questions that we are currently working with, after we all worked on finishing Accelerated Math.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Accelerated Math Sept. 17/08

Alright, today we started off by doing mental math which usually has a lot to do with the lesson we do the day before, so try and pay attention. Then we were shown how to do accelerated math:

I don't think there is to much i can add to that, but if you have any questions don't be shy to ask. There is a test coming up next week, Thursday September 25 to be exact and accelerated math would probably give you some good practise so get er done.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Today, Sept 12th , 2008

Today, We started off with a mental math, # 4. Then Mr. Maksymchuck went around and did a homework check, on the 6 questions that were due for today. then he had noticed that a great amount of people had no clue as to what they were to do. So we as a class went over 5 f. As you can see down below. Today we did not use any source of electronic devices. We showed all of our work and did all of the step together. Then he had reassigned ALL of exercise 5 A-L

So in conclusion, Please try hard and do all of exercise 5
** Remember this is for marks and it might be on a test.**
** Exercise 5 A-L due Monday**

Practise Post Assignment

My practise post and a decent snowboarding video.

First blog post

This is my FIRST post in Grade 11 Applied Math 0809 blog.

Practice Post

This is my first practice post. Good tv show.

first post

This is a 1972 Chevelle SS. The nicest car ever.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

my picture

this is my picture

practice post
This is my practice post.

September 11, 2008 Lesson.

Today we did mental math, quickly discussed the terrorist attack on this day seven years ago, spent a short period of time on where Mr.Maks claims he was not fooled by jud but wouldn't explain it so... And lastly, we went through a very long lesson of how to solve systems and the substitution process involved.
In the first three slides Mr. Maksymchuk took us through the substitution method and it's steps. The steps are pretty much self explanitory and you simply have to follow the steps in the pages.

The next pages involve the teaching of solving the same problem WITHOUT using algebra. This method allows us to solve this problem with our calculator.

The last three slides demonstrate a second problem we did just to go through the process again faster. This was still a little blury I think.
There was also a assignment given and due for next class. The assignment was question 5. a) to f).

Post assignment

Well here it is Mr. Maksymchuk here's the assignment.

and my link:

First Post Assignment

Here is my first post, hoping to get full marks on it... This year in grade 11 applied I hope will be easier than last year. This is a smaller class so it is an advantage to learn and talk with Mr.Mak's more when we are unsure or do not understand something in our math assignments.
here is a link i found which might be helpful in math:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My First Post

Here is a random picture.

September 10th

We started by doing Mental Math #3, and correcting the homework assignment.

Then Mr.Max's internet messed up so we didn't do much.

So we have to do a practice post assignment...

Practice Post Assignment...

1.Create a post on your course blog.
2.Include at least:
-One image
-One link
-School appropriate, not nessesarily course-related.
3.Check spelling/puntuation/grammar, to receive full marks.
4.Experiment with fonts/colours.
**5.LABEL THIS POST with A) Your display name
B) this label: 'practice post'
This assignment is Due on Friday Sept,12th.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sep, 9

This was our first official lesson of the year. Most of it was review for everyone who has taken grade 10 applied already, but i haven't so it was all new except for a couple things I saw were the same as in my last years class. I thought that the lesson was helpful and it gave me a bit of an idea of what the year is going to be like.
The recall stuff I recognised so that was good, but once we got to the uglier stuff I had no idea what to do, so it was a good thing that we did it as a class.
Yes this was the ugly stuff I was talking about. I did not like this and iI hope we don't have to do any or very many of these types of questions.

Systems were easy to understand. Unless I just misunderstood every thing Mr. Maks said, but I hope that i didn't. So ya I guess thats all I thought about this lesson.

Friday, September 5, 2008

First Post...

Welcome back, to the world of 2-way electronic learning....Enjoy learning from and with each other....

This blog is being created by real students in the first semester of 2008 / 2009 at the SVRSS...