Monday, November 24, 2008

November 24th/2008

Today we started off the short block class with Mental Math. Then we talked about the absolute value. Mr.Max then assigned all the problems from Exercise 5, which are questions 5 - 12. Then we got the rest of the class to work on the exercise sheet or accelerated math.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Scriber Post

Yesterday we did mental math, then had a work period while Mr.Max marked our tests from a while ago.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

new post

Today, we started with mental math then Mr. Max wanted us to bring our home work to the front for him to check it. After this, he assigned the rest of the work sheet for Friday.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Your favourite McNugget sauce...

Should we even be having that conversation since Swan River doesn't have a McDonald's? Would we even want a McDonalds's? Do you remember the McRib? Maybe I'm just getting old...I love the 'fake' bone marks on the boneless patty....mmmm....

Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday, Nov.14/2008

Today we didn't do mental math. But, we worked on a chicken McNugget question and we had to find the maximum number of chicken nuggets that you couldn't buy in McDonalds, the number of chicken nuggets that you can buy are 6, 9, 20.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Selection Reflection,NonLinear Functions

Non Linear Functions what to say: This was a good unit i think i have a good handle on this stuff.
Things to Know
  • Y-intercept
  • X-intercept
  • Maximum Value
  • Minimum Value
  • Axis of system
  • Vertex changes direction
  • Zeron
  • Parabola

There are 3 main poits to this Unit

  1. Q radratics= Max, Min
  2. Exponetial=Exponetial Groth
  3. Cubics Etc=Box Volume (v=(10-2s)(4-2s)(s)


Today, we talked about number lines, and inequalities. speaking about how to tell whether we need an open dot or a closed dot, and how to determine where to place that dot on a number line. We learnt about single variable inequalities.
At the 18 minute mark in the video, we switched over to double variable inequalities, learning how to put them into a calculator, and the difference between knowing which area needs to be shaded. We were also shown how graphmatica displays these questions, and we learnt why they are shown the way they are.

Here is the video for the days class.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nov 12/ 2008

Welcome back. I hope that you all had a great day off from school yesterday!
Today we started off class with Mental Math. Yes my favorite( no i am just kidding it's not my favorite)
After MM Mr. Maksymchuk made us play a game called Count to 20.
Where we raced with Mr. Maksymchuk to get to 20 we could go up by 1 or 2 numbers. No one got it at first but there are a few tricks to the game. we learnt that if you can get to 2 its a better chance to win. There are other key numbers 2

We realized that its all about going up by 3's 1+2=3 ,2+1=3, 1+1+1=3
It was a bit confusing at first but once you get the Pattern it comes easier.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Selection reflection

This unit, was on non linear functions. Including quadratic functions, cubic funtions, and exponential functions it wasn't exactly fun. We learnt about excel, regression, and solutions. I had a hard time with this unit, and I dont believe I did well on the test at all. Maybe this next unit will be a little easier.

selection reflection non linear functions

So,what did we learn? Well the three main things that we learned about in this unit, non linear functions, are Quadratics, cubic, and, exponential. Cubic functions are all ways to the power of 3.

November 10

Today, we had a Remembrance Day Program, so class started later. We had a sub, so all we could do today was work on Accelerated Math and get done as much as we could. Tomorrow is no school!! get to sleep in for one more day!

Selection Reflection on Non-Linear Functions

In this new unit, Non- Linear Functions, we learned about three main things...
1. Quadratics
2. Cubics
3. Exponentials

We learned different terms such as vertex, axis of symmetry, parabola, maximum value, minimum value, and zero.

I understood quadratics and cubics, but exponentails was the one i did not get. After going to tutoring and the help from Mr. Max i started to understand it.

Exponentials had the formula y=a*b^x

Cubics had the formula y=_x^3

For the exam, I will have to go over exponentials and how to solve them using excel and other devices.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

november 6th

Today we started out like most days with mental math, to get us thinking. then Mr. Maks turned us loss to do accelerated math, we have till 3:40 to get 36 objectives mastered.

Nov. 5

Today was a test day, so we just wrote the test and hopefully you all did good!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November 4th Blog

Today we didn't do mental math. We just went over some RRSP problems and questions that we had. The Test is tomorrow!! So study up and good luck! :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Nov 3

Today we handed in mental math 20 - 30 for marks. Then we went over Exercise #2.

We are going over exercise #3 first thing tomorrow. NON- LINEAR FUNCTIONS TEST ON THURSDAY